Research Interests

My research interests are primarily involved with the process of experiencing aesthetic experiences and the necessary analysis of subsequent neural responses. While in my undergraduate program at Florida State University, I've had the opportunity to further diversify my interests with an extension of this analysis into implications regarding the creation of engaging materials with a focus on eliminating academic procrastination and motivating an increase in self-efficacy amongst undergraduate students. I'm fascinated by not only the immediate emotive responses that follow engaging experiences, yet I am also deeply interested in applying these findings to real-world pedagogical applications.

In future research opportunities, I hope to contribute

​1. A more comprehensive reality for the application of quantified evaluation to the field of physical art

2.  New advances in the field of neuroaesthetics, specifically regarding the analysis of sensation and perception as it relates to experiences with alternating eras in the progression of art and visual media

3. New methodologies for creating and ensuring the effectiveness of engaging lecture content with a focus on eliminating academic procrastination